246 research outputs found

    Υellow sticky rectangle with ammonium acetate slow-release dispenser: an efficient long-lasting trap for Dacus oleae

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    Ο συνδυασμός κίτρινου παραλληλεπίπεδου (14x20 εκ.) με κόλλα και κάψουλα οξεικού αμμωνίου βραδείας απελευθέρωσης (ΚΟΑ) συγκρίθηκε με ίδια παγίδα χωρίς οξεικό αμμώνιο (Κ), καθώς και με παγίδες γυάλινες McPhail με προσελκυστικό Buminal (MB) ή Entomozyl (ΜΕ) ή θειική αμμωνία (ΜΘΑ) σε 2% διάλυμα νερού, από τις αρχές Αυγούστου μέχρι τις αρχές Δεκεμβρίου. Όταν συγκρίθηκαν οι συνολικές συλλήψεις δάκου ελιάς σε όλη την περίοδο, δεν βρέθηκαν μεγάλες διαφορές ανάμεσα στις παγίδες ΚΟΑ, MB και ΜΕ, ενώ οι παγίδες Κ και ΜΘΑ έπιασαν πολύ λιγότερα έντομα. Όταν οι συνολικές συλλήψεις εκφράστηκαν σαν λόγος κάθε παγίδας προς την παγίδα ΚΟΑ τότε η αποδοτικότητα των παγίδων ήταν: 1 (ΚΟΑ)-0,95 (ΜΒ)-0,7 (ΜΕ)-0,33 (Κ)-0,08 (ΜΘΑ). Το φθινόπωρο (μεγάλος δακοπληθυσμός), οι παγίδες ΚΟΑ και Κ έπιασαν πάρα πολλά έντομα ενώ οι παγίδες McPhail είχαν συγκριτικά μειωμένη απόδοση προφανώς λόγω χαμηλών θερμοκρασιών και υψηλής υγρασίας. Το αντίθετο συνέβη τον Αύγουστο-Σεπτέμβριο (θερμός-ξηρός καιρός, μικρός δακοπληθυσμός).Οι παγίδες McPhail εφοδιάζοντο με φρέσκο διάλυμα προσελκυστικού κάθε περίπου μέρες το καλοκαίρι και 7 μέρες το φθινόπωρο. Οι κίτρινες παγίδες αντικαταστάθηκαν με καινούργιες μια φορά μόνο, στις αρχές Οκτωβρίου. Η κάψουλα οξεικού αμμωνίου μπορούσε να διαρκέσει πολύ περισσότερο (συνολικά περί τους 4 μήνες) αλλά οι επιφάνειες των παγίδων είχαν ήδη καλυφτεί με έντομα και άλλα αντικείμενα (φύλλα, κλαδάκια κ.λπ.).The combination of a yellow color sticky rectangle with an ammonium acetate slow-release dispenser (YAA) was compared to a yellow sticky rectangle (Y) and to a McPhail glass trap with BuminalTM(MB), EntomozylTM(ME), or ammonium sulfate (MAS) odor lure in a 2% water solution, from the beginning of August till December in an olive grove. When total olive fruit fly, Dacus oleae (Gmelin) (Diptera: Tephritidae), captures were compared, no large differences were detected among YAA, MB and ME traps, while Y and MAS ones were found much inferior. When expressed as a ratio to YAA, total captures were: 1 (YAA), 0.95 (MB), 0.70 (ME), 0.33 (Y) and 0.08 (MAS). In the fall (high population density), both yellow traps showed very high catches, while McPhail odor traps had comparatively reduced effectiveness, apparently due to cool humid weather. The opposite was true in August-September (hot dry weather, low population density). McPhail traps were serviced every 5 days (summer) or 7 days (fall), while YAA and Y traps were replaced by new ones only once, at the beginning of October. The am­monium acetate dispenser could last much longer but traps had been covered by insects and debris

    A multichannel feature-based approach for longitudinal lung CT registration in the presence of radiation induced lung damage

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    Quantifying parenchymal tissue changes in the lungs is imperative in furthering the study of radiation-induced lung damage (RILD). Registering lung images from different time-points is a key step of this process. Traditional intensity-based registration approaches fail this task due to the considerable anatomical changes that occur between timepoints. This work proposes a novel method to successfully register longitudinal pre- and post-radiotherapy (RT) lung CT scans that exhibit large changes due to RILD, by extracting consistent anatomical features from CT (lung boundaries, main airways, vessels) and using these features to optimise the registrations. Pre-RT and 12-month post-RT CT pairs from fifteen lung cancer patients were used for this study, all with varying degrees of RILD, ranging from mild parenchymal change to extensive consolidation and collapse. For each CT, signed distance transforms from segmentations of the lungs and main airways were generated, and the Frangi vesselness map was calculated. These were concatenated into multi-channel images and diffeomorphic multichannel registration was performed for each image pair using NiftyReg. Traditional intensity-based registrations were also performed for comparison purposes. For the evaluation, the pre- and post-registration landmark distance was calculated for all patients, using an average of 44 manually identified landmark pairs per patient. The mean (standard deviation) distance for all datasets decreased from 15.95 (8.09) mm pre-registration to 4.56 (5.70) mm post-registration, compared to 7.90 (8.97) mm for the intensity-based registrations. Qualitative improvements in image alignment were observed for all patient datasets. For four representative subjects, registrations were performed for 3 additional follow-up timepoints up to 48-months post-RT and similar accuracy was achieved. We have demonstrated that our novel multichannel registration method can successfully align longitudinal scans from RILD patients in the presence of large anatomical changes such as consolidation and atelectasis, outperforming the traditional registration approach both quantitatively and through thorough visual inspection